Predictive Maintenance:
Analysis and Testing Extends Asset Life
Predictive Maintenance (PdM)―which incorporates tests and analyses with maintenance to predict failure and enable action before problems arise―is a proven methodology for reducing equipment failure rates. Yet, many enterprises struggle to implement this advanced methodology. In reality, PdM isn’t difficult, once enterprises have access to appropriate procedures and mechanisms and management embraces a supportive mindset.
Performance Consulting Associates (PCA) has developed a comprehensive framework to make it easier for organizations to adopt this important asset reliability tool. Through its tested, precision methodology, PCA helps facility management determine opportunities for monitoring and analysis to augment existing maintenance systems.
Our service lays the groundwork for a successful, ongoing PdM program, from implementing non-destructive testing such as vibration analysis, oil sampling, thermography and motor signature analysis to confirming equipment calibration, initiating alarm condition monitoring and establishing the data feedback loop.
Companies that incorporate predictive maintenance as part of an end-to-end maintenance program gain the opportunity to predict impending part and machinery failures before they happen and act upon them in advance. Predictive Maintenance is not only a best-practices maintenance approach; it is the perfect complement and follow-on to our Reliability Focused Maintenance program.