Releasing the Hidden Value of Your Operating Assets
Business Process Optimization for Maintenance
When the majority of maintenance work orders are reactive or corrective rather than preventive or predictive―or they are behind schedule or not completed at all―reliability, uptime and profits suffer. The bottom line is that reactive and deferred maintenance are bad for business. This indisputable fact leads many companies to seek maintenance process improvement without a clear strategy or critical path for achieving this goal. They may test the waters of continuous improvement, but find the approach is too complex or confusing to adopt.
Performance Consulting Associates (PCA) is dedicated to helping companies in this position. Maintenance Process Optimization is a transformation that steers the organization toward best practices, technology-centric management and execution of all workflow relating to asset management, including inventory management, storeroom management and talent management.
With Maintenance Process Optimization, we not only lead our clients through the stages necessary to achieve meaningful results; we prepare their organizations to support sustainable success. Significant results have been noted including 30% more work accomplished, 50% less overtime, equipment failures reduced 25 to 50% – yielding 2-3% more availability. Outages and turnarounds are completed on time, resulting in significant improvements in safety performance.
PCA’s Business Process Optimization program includes:
Planner Training
PCA conducts customized, interactive workshops and exercises for maintenance planners that focus on practical applications and ensure they are fully trained and vested in the company’s approaches. Our maintenance planner framework assists with all aspects of industrial maintenance, including condition monitoring, spare parts management and increasing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).
To unite the efforts of the maintenance, operations and inventory departments and build within them a vision of the common goal of best-practices operation, PCA conducts an intensive simulation session. In fewer than two days, we illustrate for teams the four-week journey from reactive, ineffectual work methods to proactive, planned excellence. During the simulation, the teams will unlock actionable insights into their equipment repair and preventive maintenance workflows, increasing their understanding of the importance of proactive, collaborative maintenance.
EAM/CMMS Solutions
If processes are the lifeblood of a successful operation, technology is its brain. PCA offers practical assistance to help companies identify, procure and preconfigure the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) or Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software appropriate for their operations. PCA’s team of knowledgeable consultants can help develop the business case and ROI needed to procure and implement a new software system.
By expediting the adoption of CMMS systems and EAM solutions, PCA provides the scaffolding necessary for true preventive maintenance.
Business Process Optimization alone is sufficient for some firms to achieve superior asset longevity, availability and increased ROI. Many others find that further practical assistance in the inventory and maintenance areas extends their investment value even more.