Business Process Simulation:
Moving from Dysfunction to Distinction
One of the primary reasons that companies are unable to adopt best practices―or that new methodologies do not “stick” once implemented―is that personnel cannot adapt their mindsets to embrace the new approaches. To use an informal but appropriate euphemism, they simply cannot “wrap their heads around it.” Unfortunately, this change resistance hinders reliability improvement, trips up preventive maintenance programs, encumbers spare parts management and leads to unplanned downtime.
That’s where a PCA Simulation comes in. Through our decades of experience, we have fine-tuned a specialized technique that speeds project launch, fosters team spirit and dramatically improves the permanence of results. With a simulation, we bring maintenance, repair and operations personnel together with inventory management personnel for an intensive, highly participatory simulation of how they can move from the current reactive, unstructured and dysfunctional work mechanisms to a proactive, preventive approach that improves productivity and actually makes their jobs easier.
Over a day and a half, we move through four weeks of effort, not only illustrating for them how the business planning process works but also helping them reset their attitudes and mentalities regarding change. Through the simulation, we show them how the project will promote beneficial outcomes for the plant and its personnel and illustrate the means by which it generates results.
This effort sets the tone for the teams that will be managing the engagement and lets them actually envision what their future accomplishments will look like. Throughout the simulation, we will reinforce concepts like preventative maintenance, proactive equipment repair, inventory optimization and spare parts management. Cumulatively, these concepts will help your team respond efficiently to equipment needs and avoid the dangers of deferred maintenance.
Our simulation is a valuable resource for maintenance planners, store room personnel, supervisors, reliability engineers and all other entities involved in equipment upkeep and optimization.