Maintaining Master Data: A Critical Task for Operational Success

The quality of your master data management protocols will have resounding effects on the entire organization. Learn how to maintain it effectively....

The Importance of Master Data Management in the Operational Life Cycle

Master data management has a direct impact on the operational life cycle of mission-critical equipment. Learn why this impact matters....

Reduce Your Labor Costs with Effective Master Data Management

Did you know that effective MDM can help you slash labor expenses? Learn more about how you can use data management to be more efficient....

Don’t Let Dirty Data Derail Your Greenfield Projects

A greenfield project should provide a fresh start. You won’t be encumbered by past mistakes or the habits of previous operations....

Get Your House in Order

Learn strategies for cleaning messy data and discover how effective data management can extend the mean time between failures from months to years....

Ensuring Successful CMMS Adoption — Critical Factors

In 2008, an Atlanta-based company with a network of North American paper mills began searching for an enterprise-wide computerized maintenance management system (CMMS)....

Eliminating Failures and Paving the Way for Proactive Maintenance Support

During his 40+ year career with two paper companies and an energy company, Bob Anderson, now a PCA Consulting professional, implemented system-wide changes that eliminated...

Seven Words You Shouldn’t Say in Maintenance

When I was a teenager, my neighbor had a recording of George Carlin’s “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.” We listened to it...

Change Management Best Practices — Avoiding Friction and Realizing a Strong ROI

Before embarking on a major transformation initiative, business leaders must lay the foundation for a successful transition through proper change management....

Getting your Storeroom “Back to Basics”

If your storeroom is not up to where it should be, the efficiency and effectiveness of your maintenance teams will suffer....

Detailed Maintenance Planning, Clean Master Data Help Combat the Brain Drain and Assure Uptime

Clean Master Data and planned maintenance avoids expediting and saves frustration, time and money....

Practical AI: The Path to Top Quartile Reliability

According to some predictions, AI will permeate all facets of life, making it easier to do everything, including maintenance....

Stan Moore

PCA Senior Maintenance and Reliability Consultant

Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CRMP) Member; Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP)

Stan has more than 40 years of experience as a maintenance and reliability practitioner in various industries including petrochemical, chemical, aerospace, pharmaceutical and steel. This experience has led him to successfully orchestrate, manage or participate in numerous successful projects, including:

  • Development and implementation of strategic-level asset management playbooks.
  • Development of numerous technical job plans and guidelines for rotating machinery with a focus on quantitative results and precision execution.
  • Led corporate teams through asset management assessments, including an assessment of a large (600,000+ barrel per day) refinery.
  • Provided change management leadership and coaching to numerous clients with focus on sustainable improvements in asset management.

Stan possesses broad experience in asset management, capital project execution and reliability improvement initiatives and he is well versed in developing and using best practice models and key performance indicators to drive improvement. He has facilitated numerous business case workshops and asset management assessments for firms in a variety of industries.

In addition to these specific achievements, Stan has conducted assessments, facilitated root cause analyses, promoted and executed change management initiatives, and assisted with CMMS configuration and implementation. He has also facilitated failure mode and effects and reliability centered maintenance analyses for firms in a variety of industries.

Through the effective use of failure mode and effects analyses (FMEAs), he has also championed the development of maintenance strategies that blend effective condition-based technologies with applicable time-based strategies, resulting in optimal life cycle cost management of assets.

As a maintenance and reliability manager, Stan consistently managed projects to reduce reactive work and improve safety performance while meeting departmental budget constraints. As a core team member of a corporate maintenance and reliability assessment team, he evaluated performance across multiple sites, identifying opportunities for improvement and excellence.

Stan has been actively involved with the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals for more than 20 years. He has served on the Board of Directors in all capacities including Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Chairman and Chairman. He has also served on the SMRP Annual Conference Committee, including serving as Conference Chair.

Stan has authored publications and/or presented on more than a dozen expert topics including “Rotating Machinery Best Practices” (Workshop, SMRP Annual Conference, 2021), “Best Practices for Key Performance Indicators” (SMRP Solutions Magazine, 2018), “Effective Asset Management, When Does It Start?” (Emerson Whitepaper, 2014), various case history presentations at Vibration Institute Annual Meetings, and many more.

Stan was instrumental in founding and activating the North Alabama Chapter of the SMRP. He has previously held certifications as a Vibration Analyst and a Thermographer. In addition to being a registered PE in the state of Tennessee, Stan is also a PROSCI certified change management practitioner.

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Hire the most capable, qualified maintenance and reliability professionals with assistance from PCA's proven process model and seasoned talent acquisition experts.
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