Detailed Maintenance Planning, Clean Master Data Help Combat the Brain Drain and Assure Uptime
Clean Master Data and planned maintenance avoids expediting and saves frustration, time and money.
Clean Master Data and planned maintenance avoids expediting and saves frustration, time and money.
According to some predictions, AI will permeate all facets of life, making it easier to do everything, including maintenance.
As I look back across my career in maintenance and MRO materials, it seems that the things people hire us for really have not changed.
While there is a growing body of proofs regarding the right technical approach to boosting reliability, the best technical solutions are nothing if they leave the people behind.
The journey would not have been complete or the objectives of our mission fulfilled if one of them had been left out.
MRO materials management and procurement was a critical part of our reliability improvement journey, and it should be considered part of every reliability program.
My plant reduced maintenance spend by $22 million per year just by making work go away.
One of the key learnings we had is that it is impossible to implement advanced reliability solutions until the foundation is solid.
Implementing a reliability-based maintenance program has tremendous business benefits – the kind of impact that executives get excited about.
With Industry 4.0 comes the first opportunity industrial organizations have had to implement a comprehensive, predictive-based maintenance approach.