The Perfect Storeroom

The Perfect Storeroom

The question is often asked, “What makes the perfect storeroom?” Is it brick and mortar? Is it the correct financial ratio of storeroom inventory to facility asset value? Is it a certain measurement of inventory turns? Is it a certain ratio of personnel to inventory value?

While it can be argued that any one of, a combination of several, or all of the above are important, the perfect storeroom consists of a combination of strategies working together to assure that operations has:

  1. The right quantity
  2. Of the right parts
  3. At the right place
  4. At the right time.

At PCA we teach that the perfect storeroom can be realized by following ten strategic initiatives.

  1. A secure, fully-staffed, adequately sized and equipped, properly labeled, and well-organized storeroom is the norm.
  2. Effective and efficient storeroom “best practices” have been implemented.
  3. Standard item numbers and descriptions protocols exist.
  4. Storeroom workers have the proper training and skills and are cross-functional.
  5. The Storeroom “picks, kits, stages and delivers” requested materials to pre-designated locations.
  6. “Optimized” inventory levels are regularly reviewed and maintained.
  7. Inventory, usage, and procurement records are accurate and routinely reviewed and analyzed.
  8. Effective coordination with user functions is in place.
  9. Appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), financial measurements and accountabilities are fully in place.
  10. There is an active MRO Focus Team in place to resolve cross-functional issues.