PCA Blog
A Journey to Reliability Excellence: The Business Case and Executive Support
Implementing a reliability-based maintenance program has tremendous business benefits – the kind of impact that executives get excited about.
CMMS Offers Asset Predictability in Industry 4.0
With Industry 4.0 comes the first opportunity industrial organizations have had to implement a comprehensive, predictive-based maintenance approach.
People are the Main Ingredient for Success
I know that our people have always made the difference for our customers. Here’s a big Thank You to our team!
The Labor Crisis Should Heighten Executive Interest in Reliability
The quote, “Never waste a good crisis!” has been attributed to many people, including Winston Churchill. Upheaval breaks inertia, creating the opportunity
There is a Better Way!
Everyone is talking about the shift in employee mindset that has made quality of life a high priority. Choosing lifestyle over pay has always been a characteristic of millennials and the pandemic has increased this tendency in all other generations.
“Keep Your Axe Sharp” for Real Storeroom Savings
Abe Lincoln famously quipped, “Give me six hours to cut down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” A few months ago, I announced the addition of PCA’s field engineering services, which are specifically designed to help keep your maintenance management tools sharp.
PCA Playbooks Drive Teamwork and Manufacturing Excellence
It’s a safe bet that most of us have heard the expression “The left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing” used to describe organizational disfunction. Just imagine the catastrophic consequences of playing a guitar in that condition!
Demystifying Advanced Analytics for Maintenance
Most people in maintenance do not really understand advanced analytics like artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). Personally, I think advanced analytics have a lot to offer maintenance professionals, but I am an analytics geek.