How to Make the Right Impression Recruiting

Supply Demand Planning

First of Five Recruiting Basics All Organizations Need to Understand – Working Smarter in Todays War for Talent

Who likes being sold to? Not many people like the feeling of being pressured to make a decision. It is no different when contacting candidates in the job market. Some are “passive” job seekers and are somewhat testing the current job market. When contacting a candidate, take the time, and truly get to know this person’s background, interests, and talents. Far too often, recruiters jump right into a job description, and are giving compensation ranges within 5 minutes of the first phone call. Candidates can sense that it is not about them as soon as that occurs, but about a job getting filled, and that the recruiter is not really vested in the candidates’ career decisions.

Is your organization tracking data points such as “length of engagement” of a candidate before an offer is made? It is a prime metric that needs to be tracked, as it will reveal the quality of the long-term pipeline the recruiting team is building.